Friday, August 12, 2011


Today was an extremely positive day in the world of Bryant. As I've mentioned before, in previous posts, White Blood Cell production is the name of the game. Neutrophils are the White Blood Cells that fight and prevent infection. My condition resulted in the slow decline of these cells to 80 per cu/ml of blood. For a frame of reference, the normal range for a healthy person is between 1500-7800 per cu/ml of blood. I have had zero neutrophils per cu/ml of blood for the past month. Imagine my surprise when I got my daily results and saw 48 neutrophils raving it up in my bloodstream today! This is a very encouraging sign and shows that my bone marrow is beginning to produce blood cells again.

Up until this point, it's been very difficult to explain when I may be able to go home. I now have a benchmark to reference. Once my neutrophil count hits 500, I'll no longer need to wear a mask in public. Once my count hits 1,000 for 3 straight days, I'll be considered in remission and be allowed to leave Baltimore. There's still no telling how quickly my numbers will rebound, or if they will rebound to normal counts, but this is definitely reason for excitement.

Rave! Rave! Rave! Untz! Untz! Untz!