Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6 Month Follow-up

Hello! I've recently completed my 6 month follow-up appointment at Johns Hopkins. The results were nothing short of fantastic. I now have completely normal White Blood Cell and Red Blood Cell counts (WBC 3k, ANC 2k, HGB 14.9, HCT 41.3). My platelets are still rebounding at a paltry, but very well appreciated 36k. As long as I don't suffer any crazy car accidents or nasty cuts I should be fine. Lucky for me, I'm basically as hard as a diamond plated piece of steel.

I've come a long way last year. I lost my mother to liver disease and stared down my own mortality. I'm grateful to be no worse for wear and in the position to do just about anything. I'm blessed to have wonderful people in my life to lean on. Without them, this recovery wouldn't have been possible. I'm now currently back in the Bay Area and getting readjusted to the lifestyle here. Occasionally, people ask me, "Bryant, what'd you learn? How did it feel to be out of control?" I'd say that throughout all of last year, I was only in control of two things: my diet and my attitude. I sincerely believe those two things make all the difference.